Save Money With A Rail-Served Warehouse

Posted on June 18, 2019

Rail-Served Warehouse

rail-served warehouseRailroads are nothing new in the US. They were one of the first ways of moving cargo from place to place. The United States has one of the largest freight networks in the entire world. If you’re looking to boost your company’s revenue, save money and improve the efficiency of what you do, it’s time to consider a rail-served warehouse in your future.

The Importance of Rail Siding

There are different ways of shipping materials nationwide. Rail-siding is the best alternative to truck shipping. Shipping by rail is the most effective way to see your freight gets where it needs to go.

There are ways to get goods transported throughout the country and not everything can go over the roads. And there are enough trucks out there already.

You may think that because we live in the 21st century, rail shipping is old-fashioned. Did you know that the US freight rail network is one of the world’s most dynamic? Railroads are a $60-billion dollar a year industry. They operate over 140,000 rail miles. There are seven Class I railroads, which maintain consistent revenues of $433.2 million dollars or greater.

There are definite shipping benefits that consumers and businesses can immediately take advantage of that other shipping alternatives just don’t offer. The importance of rail siding in the world of shipping cannot be underestimated.

Benefits of Rail-Served Warehousing

  • It costs less money. Every business loves hearing those words. Rail shipping is the least expensive way to ship. There are railroad fees to be paid and that’s it. No paying drivers, no maintaining a fleet of vehicles, no high fuel costs on a daily basis, no money spent on costly repairs. It really makes all the sense in the world to utilize a rail-served warehouse.
  • Products are shipped safely and reliably. This is vitally important to your business. Your name is on the line. If things go wrong, consumers may turn elsewhere. Rail systems offer security and safety. Products travel from one point to another without being stored or moved again. Chances of products being lost or damaged are greatly reduced.
  • Products get where they need to be on time. Truck shipping is at the mercy of the roads – detours for construction, endless traffic jams with nowhere to go, and bad weather can all stop your freight in its ‘tracks.’ Not so when you ship by rail. Deliveries and shipments are not held up by these factors and you know when they are getting to their intended destination.
  • Rail cars hold more freight. A typical rail car is anywhere from three to five times bigger than a truck. This means you can easily transport heavier or larger products than can be accomplished with trucks. Loading and unloading heavy products are done with ease right there at the rail-served warehouse.

Rail-served warehouses are in business to serve you. We already have the railroads in place and rail transportation requires a very small space as compared to miles and miles of six-lane highways. Just about anything you need to ship can be transported by rail. Trucks can do their jobs for goods that need to travel relatively short distances. For products that need to go long distances, rail shipping may be the best choice.

Our knowledge, experience and resources help our customers every day. We can help you, too. With over 40 years in the shipping industry, we would love to provide you with a shipping solution that fits your needs.
